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IDP and No.1 Bureau of China Metallurgical Geology Bureau Discussing Cooperation in Establishing Institute of Urban Safety and Underground Space
Author:   Date:2019-04-11

On the afternoon of April 9,2019,Yi Rong, director of theFirst Bureau of China Metallurgical GeologyAdministration, and a delegation of five people came to the school to discussissuesrelated to the cooperationinurban safetywithUnderground Space Research Institute.President Yao Yunsheng andVicePresident Liu Chunping warmly receivedDirector Yi Rong and his party. Heads oftherelevant departments including Office, Scientific Research Department, Collegeof Civil Engineering, Collegeof Geological Engineering, Beijing Disaster Prevention Technology Co., Ltd. attended the meeting.

At the meeting, the two sides first discussed and approved in principle the articles ofAssociationof Urban Safety and Underground Space and the promotion of jointapplicationof HebeiProvincial R & DPlatform, and then exchanged views on the cooperation development direction, platform characteristics, technical advantages and other aspects of the Research Institute, and a consensuswasreached initially.

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BeiJing ICP NO.20016947 -1 ; Hebei public network security case NO.13108202000467
